I totally disagrees with Mark Kermode's opinion of Watchmen as seen on the Culture Show Uncut, since when is he an outspoken supporter of the comic book art form like Jonathan Ross. Christopher Nolan is no genius either, so why be so hard on Zack Snyder just because he (Kermode) didn't like 300. And to justify that dislike with a comment like 'they looked like rejects from the Village People' is no great critique.
Let me continue, Christopher Nolan's Batman films have been okay but could also be accused of style over substance, just as Kermode accuses Snyder. Just look at the badly cut final fight in Begins, how can you tell what the hell is going on there, it's all flashy editing. Now don't get me wrong Memento is an amazingly complex and satisfying film but can the same be said of Insomnia, which is not better than the original in my opinion.
Watchmen is a complicated film and is miles ahead of any of the previous Alan Moore comic adaptations, but to try and critique a film based on how you imagine someone else's version may have turned out is insane. Greengrass and Gilliam are amazing directors and that is not in question but would their version of this story been better than the one we have been given? What was the script like, what was the look and design work going to be like? Sorry Mister Kermode your opinion just doesn't cut the mustard with this dyed in the wool comic book geek, I loved the original 12 part comic book and I really enjoyed this adaptation not some imagined one that exists only in my over inflated self important head.