So it's been a busy week with quite a few interesting things appearing online. I've not been able to post stuff up as it's happened so I thought I'd just do a 'Friday Roundup' which may become something more regular.
First up is the announcement trailer for upcoming zombie survival horror game Dead Island. The trailer generated a lot of buzz for it's very cinematic style and it is quite an impressive bit of footage. The use of slow motion, reverse chronology and music really sets is apart from other game trailers. The whole thing owes a nod of gratitude to The Walking Dead, which the trailer apes to a certain extent. I have my doubts as to whether the game itself will deliver on the promise set up by the trailer but it'll be interesting to see if it does. Please note that the trailer is probably NSFW and those under 18 as it does contain graphic scenes of zombie attack. The video comes courtesy of the good folks over at IGN.
Next up is the new trailer for Marvel's Thor due to arrive on screens in April. Thor has always been one of my favourite Marvel characters and the film (directed by Kenneth Branagh) looks an interesting prospect. This trailer ups the action and Natalie Portman content which may be a wise move in the run up to the Oscars where she is hot favourite to walk away with the Best Actress statue. I'm looking forward to seeing this film even though I would have preferred Brian Blessed in the role of Odin.